JoJo Siwa's video "Karma" dropped at midnight, and it's definitely making the waves! For weeks, Siwa, 20, has been teasing the masses with behind-the-scenes footage of her music video. The video shows more mature themes than we are used to from Siwa. From the sneak peeks, we see Siwa breaking away from the bows and child-like presence to a more age-appropriate appearance. Guys, Siwa is 20, single, and just trying to find her footing in the world. She is trying to break free and have a little fun.
Before I go into what I thought (and what other viewers thought), let's talk about the video. The video is artistically done, with an ocean, an island, and a futuristic-looking boat. The outfits are bold and futuristic. The video is about self-reflection, remorse and consequences of one's actions. There are a lot of suggestive dance numbers in the video, with a lot of bumping and grinding. Artistically, the video is beautiful. I was in awe of the scenery, and I liked the beat of the song. The group dances were well executed, and the outfits were pretty original. Many viewers didn't quite get the humping parts of the music video. People think that just because Siwa is a lesbian that lesbians don't hump. We lesbians do hump (scissoring, strap-ons, etc). If you look at the comments under the video on YouTube, a lot of people are embarrassed for Siwa. I think people are confused because they are used to seeing Siwa as a little kid. Siwa is in her 20s now and I think Siwa is screaming this. People grow up and want to do different things. When I was 20, I was in the clubs partying. I was celebrating not being a teen anymore. I was celebrating being wild and free. You cannot expect people to stay exactly who they were when they were kids. People grow and mature as they figure out who they are. This is different material from Siwa, and just like all of us grow up, Siwa is growing up too. We should give her a chance, and see what else she has coming up. Watch the video below:
2022 was a tough year for both Valerie Bertinelli and Kelly Clarkson. Bertinelli revealed in 2022 that she had divorced Tom Vitale after 11 years of marriage. Meanwhile, Kelly Clarkson had settled her divorce that same year (Clarkson filed for divorce in 2020).
Bertinelli visited Clarkson on her show on April 4th and gushed about how far they've come since that grueling period in their lives. Clarkson said that while that period was hard, it meant a fresh new start for the two women. Valerie Bertinelli revealed that Clarkson's album "Chemistry," really resonated with her. "I’m like, ‘Has she been in the room with me the entire time?’ Like, every flipping song, like, ‘Me,’ ‘Mine,’ Red Flag Collector." In 2023, Clarkson mentioned that her album was "definitely the arc of an entire relationship. And a whole relationship shouldn't be just brought down to one thing. So, there's the good, the bad, and the ugly kind of thing going on in it." Clarkson's album "Chemistry" is 100% relatable! I went through a horrible ending in January of 2023. Around that same time, "Me," and "Mine" were released. I felt the same as Bertinelli. I literally thought Kelly Clarkson had been following my journey and wrote exactly what I was feeling. "Chemistry," as an album, is a piece of art. It paints love, pain, healing, rebirth, depression, and strength perfectly. It's poetically beautiful. Clarkson has this gift of resonating with people from the very depths of their souls. She helps the healing process with her music. Even through I've found love again, I still listen to her album, because it is a reminder of growth. To go from that painful place to a place of rebirth and healing, is a wonderous journey. Bertinelli mentioned that she has also found someone special. In fact, homegirl was straight up blushing and gushing about this mystery man! There is life after pain, and sometimes you find the best ever after the worst ever. It happens when you are ready, and when you least expect it. If you are on that journey of healing after a massive heartbreak, I highly recommend you listen to "Chemistry." It's the best album I've ever heard (and I'm a music junkie). Watch Bertinelli and Clarkson below: Once again, Tim is in the hot seat when it comes to sex with his love interests. Tim is a southern man who has been searching for love on and off of 90 Day. He is of a different stock, as he is selective as to whom he kisses, and he isn't the type of guy to have sex like other men. He takes his time, and he gets mocked for it.
During the tell-all, his fellow cast members got on his case for not sleeping with Luisa. John and Jamal quickly got on his case for how he is with women. John said to him: "I got to be honest, Tim, you know, it's kind of hard to believe, You just don't jump or bump. You know what I'm saying? I understand you're from the South, bro, but I've been to Texas, and they jump bones. .... Well, you know, it's just, you know, I understand, but I don't." Jamal, Tim's ex-fiancée Veronica's ex-boyfriend added: "I was like, 'Tim bagged Luisa?' I was like, kind of impressed. I was like, 'Why is he not going to kiss her?'" Tim was clearly annoyed by the criticism. Luisa chimed in, saying: "it's normal to want to kiss and get more physical when you like someone, but Tim didn't want anything." She added that Tim would make excuses as to why he couldn't see her on various occasions. I have been a viewer and fan of the 90 Day franchise for years, and I have watched things with Tim play out. I feel bad for the guy. The guy doesn't want to spread his seed around. He wants to wait until he is ready, and he finds that special woman. He wants to take things slow. What is wrong with that? Women ask for men like Tim all the time, and when they get him, they aren't satisfied. They bitch about him to their girlfriends, and then throw him away for the flock of douchebags living under the nearest rock! Make it make sense, ladies! I think people need to lay off of Tim. He seems like a good guy. He just doesn't want to waste his time! None of this makes him "gay," and it doesn't make him a "pussy." It's just a fucking bitch to be an old soul in today's sex-crazed society. |
April 2024
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