We are all gearing up for the highly anticipated solar eclipse. With millions in the total coverage zone, glasses are flying off the shelves, and people are looking for the perfect spot to view this incredible event. While we are physically preparing for the solar eclipse, there are those who are curious as to how this eclipse will impact them spiritually.
Here is a breakdown on what you may see on and around April 8th: Aries (March 21 - April 19): Solar eclipses may bring opportunities for self-discovery and personal transformation for Aries individuals. They may feel inspired to take bold actions or make significant changes in their lives, particularly in areas related to their identity and self-expression. Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Taurus individuals may experience shifts in their material possessions, finances, or sense of security during solar eclipses. It's a time to reassess their values and priorities, as well as to cultivate a greater sense of abundance and stability. Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Solar eclipses could impact Gemini individuals in the realm of communication, learning, and social connections. They may find themselves drawn to new ideas, experiences, or relationships that expand their horizons and stimulate their curiosity. Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Solar eclipses may prompt Cancer individuals to focus on their emotional well-being, family dynamics, and home life. It's a time for introspection and healing, as well as for nurturing their closest relationships and creating a sense of sanctuary. Leo (July 23 - August 22): Leos may feel a surge of creative inspiration and personal empowerment during solar eclipses. It's an auspicious time for pursuing their passions, asserting themselves in their endeavors, and embracing opportunities for self-expression and leadership. Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Solar eclipses may prompt Virgo individuals to reassess their habits, routines, and health practices. It's a time for self-improvement and personal growth, as well as for refining their skills and pursuing their goals with greater precision and dedication. Libra (September 23 - October 22): Libras may experience shifts in their relationships, partnerships, and sense of balance during solar eclipses. It's a time for evaluating the dynamics of their connections, seeking harmony and fairness, and making decisions that align with their values. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Solar eclipses could bring opportunities for deep transformation and empowerment for Scorpio individuals. It's a time for delving into their subconscious, releasing old patterns or attachments, and embracing their inner strength and resilience. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Sagittarians may feel a call to explore new horizons, expand their worldview, and pursue their long-term goals during solar eclipses. It's a time for adventure, growth, and embracing opportunities that broaden their perspectives and deepen their understanding. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Solar eclipses may prompt Capricorns to focus on their career, ambitions, and sense of responsibility. It's a time for setting ambitious goals, taking calculated risks, and stepping into leadership roles with confidence and determination. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Aquarians may experience shifts in their social networks, community involvement, and humanitarian efforts during solar eclipses. It's a time for connecting with like-minded individuals, advocating for causes they believe in, and fostering innovation and progress. Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Solar eclipses could impact Pisces individuals in the realm of spirituality, intuition, and personal growth. It's a time for deepening their connection to their inner wisdom, exploring mystical or metaphysical interests, and embracing their compassionate and empathic nature. Be safe while viewing the solar eclipse. While there won't be another one for another 20 years, it isn't worth risking your eyesight to experience it. Be sure to have the proper viewing material. Enjoy the event! Spirituality is a deeply personal aspect of our lives. There are thousands of beliefs out there, and people have their reasons for believing in what they believe. Spiritual faith brings a tremendous comfort to those who have been through a lot.
It becomes problematic, however, when the ego gets in the way. There are people out there that will brag about how far they are in their spiritual journey and do it in a way that makes you feel small. A person's spiritual journey is sacred, and there are many reasons why you should extend grace to others when sharing your story, and not brag about where you are in your journey:
Ladybugs, also known as ladybirds in some parts of the world, hold various spiritual significances in different cultures and belief systems. Here are some of the common spiritual meanings associated with ladybugs:
If ladybugs happen to be your spirit animal, you can expect a unique spiritual bond between you and the ladybug. Not only will they be flocking to you, but they will also provide you with special spiritual messages. The autumn equinox, also known as the fall equinox, occurs around September 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and around March 20th or 21st in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a significant astronomical event marking the transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and from winter to spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Symbolically, the autumn equinox carries various meanings and cultural significance:
#fall #autumn #Mabon #leaves #spirituality #symbolism #Ostara
The spiritual significance of deer varies across different cultures and belief systems, but there are some common themes that can be found in many traditions around the world. Deer are often seen as symbols of grace, gentleness, and spirituality. Here are some aspects of the spiritual significance of deer in various cultures:
Everything is in formation for the most powerful Mercury Retrograde of 2021. Tomorrow through June 22, expect the typical Retrograde fun: communication mishaps, technological glitches, travel nightmares, and more. This won't be all. With the Retrograde happening in Gemini (Gemini is ruled by Mercury) and during eclipse season (we just had the full lunar moon eclipse, and a New Moon eclipse will occur on June 10), life is going to become extra interesting. I forgot to add that the second of 3 Uranus and Saturn squares will take place on June 14. This is powerful because the alignment could bring news that could impact all of us across the globe. Any and all skeletons in your closet could be exposed during this time. Scandals will run amok during Retrograde on steroids. How can we survive this retrograde?
Be especially careful about what you say, and who you say it to. Anything you say during Retrograde can and will be used against you. Plan some time for a technology detox. We will need to protect our energy and vibes from an overload of information. Don't stress too much about Retrograde. This can actually be a great time to reflect into ourselves, and work on things that we may have been neglecting. Whatever projects you may find yourself doing during retrograde, do NOT forget to pause and "smell the roses." Here's a more detailed list of what you should and should not do during the Mercury Retrograde: We can get through this. Stay positive, find time to unplug from the chaos of technology, and be a kind human to those around you. Breathe, meditate, and stay calm. #MercuryRetrograde #astrology #retrograde #socialmedia #detox #Mercury #Gemini
I don't know about you, but I am spiritually sensitive to the moon phases. I feel change and transformation during the new moon, and I feel empowered by the full moon. The moon has been this beautiful source of strength for me for as long as I can remember. The moon itself is a model of wisdom, spiritual connections, intuition, feminine energy. and illusion. The cycle of the moon represents death and reincarnation. To better understand the phases of the moon, let's look at them individually: ![]() New Moon: The New Moon is significant for new beginnings. During the New Moon, the moon is between the sun and the Earth. When you cannot see the moon, it signifies that everything is being cleared out (new beginnings). During this time, you can prepare for this by stepping back, and taking time to breathe and refresh. You can use this time to plan for the next month. ![]() Waxing Crescent Moon: During this moon phase, the waxing part of the moon is glowing, and the crescent part is illuminated. New intentions are being presented during this time. During the Waxing Crescent Moon, focus on the "why." "Why are you doing what you're doing?" Write all of your intentions down and memorize them. Think about what you'd like to accomplish during the next phase. ![]() First Quarter Moon: "Decisions, Decisions." The First Quarter Moon is all about decision making. The moon appears half illuminated and half shadowed. Spend this time reflecting on any decisions that need to be made, and also spend time on decisions that you've already made in your life. Did you learn anything from these decisions? Use what you learn to help avoid obstacles in future decisions. ![]() Waxing Gibbous Moon: This brightening moon is all about refinement! Ready to put ideas into action? Now's the time to tweak those ideas and give the detail some TLC. This is also the time to reflect on your goals, utilize what is working for you, and what aspects need changing. ![]() Full Moon: Also known as the "Harvest Moon," the Full Moon is all about release, and cementing your intentions. This is the time to make promises to yourself via your soul, and allow for spiritual growth. Release all of your setbacks, blames, guilt, pretty much all things negative, and look within. ![]() Waning Gibbous Moon: This is the moon of gratitude. During this moon phase, we need to focus more on ourselves. We should also focus on gratitude. During this time, make a list of everything that you are grateful for. ![]() Third Quarter Moon: Welcome to the half illuminated/half shadowed moon of forgiveness! During this moon phase, forgive yourself of everything (when I say everything, I mean every-fucking-thing that you've ever done). Forgive your negative habits, negative thoughts, your mistakes, and your downfalls. Forgiveness is key when it comes to moving on in life. It also helps us approach every situation with love. You can use this time to forgive others as well. Remember, when we forgive ourselves, we don't do it for ourselves. We do it so WE can be free. ![]() Waning Crescent Moon: This moon is all about Forgiveness Surrender! During the shrinking of the moon's illumination, take this time to 'let go.' Let go of control (I know, easier said than done. I'm a control freak myself and I have trouble letting go during this time). Holding control over everything does not bring peace. During this time, practice Mindfulness and staying in the present. The New Moon: Let's do the Moon Warp again! It's just a jump to the.... I am a firm believer that the moon hold the key to life. There is a reason why people act funny during the full moon. Not all of them are in tune with what is going on beneath the surface. They feel a certain kind of way, and they don't know why. When you're spiritually connected to energies, you feel the tides, the moon phases, the changes in atmosphere, etc. When you are tuned in, you are able to pinpoint the energies and work with them. If you are spiritually in tune with the moon phases, or you'd like to be, keep in mind the above information about the moon phases. Work with the moon phase energies and see if you notice a difference in your life. Namaste! #spirituality #moon #moonphases #spiritualbehavior #moonpower #MondayVibes #spiritual #moonchild #spiritualenergies
Sunday March 28th will be the 1st of four series of Full Supermoons. If you are sensitive to spiritual change, you may be feeling the change in the air. Sunday's full moon will shed light on our deep emotions and our energies. This could be triggering to some people. Fear not! This is going to be a great time of positive change. The shift is coming, and a cosmic flow is coming to rock your vibrational frequency. Balance and harmony is coming back into our lives, brothers and sisters. Out with the old, and in with the new! We are about to become abundantly blessed! I've been feeling the spiritual change for some time now. I've actually stopped oversharing my personal life on social media (I would gripe about a lot of stuff, posting several times a day). I also revamped this entire website, deleting blog pages that I no longer felt connected to. I was receiving negative attention from the posts on those pages, and I realized I was becoming someone I hated. So, I got rid of everything, and I'm focusing on things that bring me strength and joy. We have the strength to handle all things, and I've been realizing this a lot lately. I am able to sit back and enjoy the beauty of simplicity. I am ready for the great positive change that is coming. Bring it! <3 #FullMoon #Supermoon #wormmoon #spring #awakeningmoon #spirituality #namaste #zen
![]() 2020 is known for a lot of things. For some of us, it has been a spiritual awakening. In a previous post, I talked about my own spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakenings are often perceived as tranquil times. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a transformation, a spiritual boot camp if you will. It causes you to have intense feelings that change your thought process. You question if it is normal for you to feel certain things. True spiritual awakenings transform you from dark to light. Spiritual awakenings can be triggered by traumatic events, and they happen at unexpected times. You may question why these things are happening at the worst possible time. What you need to know is that the awakening is happening when you need it the most. It shakes your life up in incredible ways. If you suspect you may be going through a spiritual awakening, the following are signs to look out for:
These are just a few signs of a spiritual awakening. There are so many signs that I would be here all night listing them. It's an intense and wild ride, especially when you get weird visions. My first weird vision was the one where I compared Trump to King Herod from the Bible. I literally had just woken up, and then I had this comparison told to me. Honestly, after the trauma I endured over the summer, I thought my strength was a mental illness. I am realizing now that I'm going from darkness to light. If you suspect that you are going through an awakening, please don't be afraid. Embrace it! #spirituality #spiritualawakening #religion #metaphysical #2020Life #wintersolstice2020 #Yule2020 ![]() It's no secret that a lot of crazy shit has been happening this year. We are smack dab in the middle of a global pandemic, and the little things we took for granted were stripped from our existence. Nothing like this has happened in our lifetimes, and people are not taking it well. People are getting pissed off, looting, causing physical harm to others, and creating political uprisings. It's fucking insane out there. There are a few of us, however, who have actually become stronger and more awakened. In the midst of this chaos, some of us have found strength, inner peace and self-love. We are looking at the world with a new lens. This power didn't come without a price, however. Some of us went down traumatic paths in order to become awakened. For me, I went through various heartbreaks. People I trusted betrayed me. An entire church turned their back on me when I asked a couple of questions about Donald Trump. Months later, I ended a 19 year friendship with my best friend, because I realized she was an incredibly toxic soul with sketchy intentions. That same day, I ended a romance with a guy I thought could be 'the one.' The fallout with my best friend cost me 6 more friendships. While that could have been enough to crush anyone, it empowered me. I felt peace in the innermost parts of my soul. It was the first time I stuck up for myself, and in turn, I began to love myself for the first time. When I looked at the outside world, I didn't recognize it. Through my clear lens, I saw snakes in the political arena, bullies in law enforcement, and falsehoods being taught in churches. I realized that I needed to pursue this awakening within me. A friend of mine mentioned spiritual awakening to me, and it has been weighing on me. She then mentioned that a lot will be happening around December 21, 2020. From my research, I learned that a lot of cosmic energy will be hitting the planet, and there will be a lot of spiritual shifts taking place. The close proximity of both Jupiter and Saturn will also impact the energies. The closeness of these two planets has not happened in 800 years. With it being 2020, I have a feeling that people are going to be extra on 12/21. If someone talked to me like this 6 months ago, I would have thought they were crazy AF. However, after everything I've been through this year, it all make sense. There is no fucking way I would have survived the pain I went through this year, if I wasn't being awakened spiritually. I would have allowed those experiences to kill me, and I would be going through the motions in life. Instead, I'm present. I'm trying to understand what's going on in life, and within myself. I don't even see myself choosing sides in anything. I go with what I feel is right, and I call out anything that I see is wrong. It's confusing to a lot of people, but I don't care. I don't live to impress anyone. I live to better myself, and to raise the next generation to be a fully awakened and kind spirit. Everything else is extra. It has taken me a lifetime to realize that society has it all wrong. Don't be afraid to pursue your own life. I will be talking more about spiritual awakenings in future posts. #spiritualawakening #woke #spirituality #spiritualascension |
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